UNA娱乐 Agreement, Risk Acknowledgement and Waiver of Liability

我明白K8彩乐园(UNA)不要求我参加校园娱乐(包括但不限于校内), extramural participation, 俱乐部体育, 物理运动, weight and cardiovascular training, instructional 程序s, 健身计划和课程以及由UNA娱乐赞助的任何其他计划和服务, 包括 related travel and the UNA Outdoor Adventure Center.  我参加这些活动、事件、节目和体育活动完全是自愿的. 我明白我有责任决定我的身体能够参加哪些活动, and may choose or decline to do any activity, 程序, event or sport at any time. 


In consideration for the opportunity to participate in the UNA Rec, and to use the associated equipment, facilities and machinery (the “Activities”), with full knowledge and acceptance of the risks involved, I, along with my heirs, 分配, executors or personal 代表, hereby release and hold harmless, 放弃, 放电, and covenant not to sue UNA, 她的老师, 工作人员, 军官, 受托人, 代表, 陪伴, 员工, 教练, 志愿者, and agents (“Releasees”) 从 all manner of action and actions, cause and causes of action, 西装, 索赔, 负债, or demands of any nature, 包括, without limitation, 索赔 of UNA’s negligence, resulting 从 any physical or psychological injury (包括 paralysis and d吃h), 疾病, 损害赔偿, 财产损失, or economic or emotional loss resulting 从 my participation in the Activities, 包括 travel to, 从 and during the Activities.

Risk Acknowledgement & 假设:

I understand and am aware that strength, 灵活性, fitness and aerobic 锻炼 程序s, and the use of sports and 锻炼 equipment, as well as sports activities are potentially hazardous activities. 我明白活动的危险和风险可能会导致身体或心理伤害,危险和风险可能包括, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: BROKEN BONES OR DISLOCATIONS, MUSCLE STRAINS/SPRAINS OR TEARS, 瘀伤, 伤口, 穿刺, 脑震荡, HEAT 中风/EXHAUSTION, JOINT OR NECK/BACK INJURIES, 心脏病, 麻痹, 中风, 溺水, 或死亡. 我进一步了解并承认,玩或练习这些活动的危险和风险不仅可能导致受伤, but serious 障碍 of my future abilities to earn a living, to engage in other business, 社会, and recr吃ional activities, and generally to enjoy life. I understand that these injuries or outcomes may arise 从 my own or others’ actions, 不作为, or negligence; conditions related to travel; or the condition of the activities location(s). 尽管如此, I assume all related risks, both known and unknown to me, of my participation in the Activities, 包括 travel to, 从, and during the Activities.

Intramural 体育 & General Facilities Use:

每位参加者有责任和决定只参加他/她具备先决技能的活动, 资格, 准备, physical capability & agility, and/or training. UNA不保证或保证任何教员的能力或精神或身体状况, 主管, 官方, 领袖, 志愿者, 裁判, 裁判, or individual participant in any intramural or recr吃ional sports activities. 大学在任何方面也不保证或保证任何设备的物理或工作条件, FACILITIES AND MACHINERY USED IN CONNECTION WITH INTRAMURAL SPORTS PROGRAMS, 户外健身课程及所提供的活动和项目,明确声明并排除与该等设备的性能或使用有关的所有保证, FACILITIES AND MACHINERY. 本免责声明和排除条款包括任何和所有明示或暗示的适用性保证, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE, 适销性, AND ALL OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES.

我在此进一步声明我身体健康,没有任何疾病, 障碍, 疾病, 虚弱, or other 疾病 that would prevent my participation in UNA 俱乐部体育, intramural sports, or any of the activities and 程序s, UNA’s various facilities, or use of equipment and machinery. 本人特此确认,建议本人在参加运动/健身活动或使用运动器材和机械时获得医生的批准. 我也知道医生建议我每年或更频繁地做一次身体检查,并咨询我的医生关于身体活动的情况, 锻炼, 以及运动和训练器材的使用情况,以便我就运动和健身活动以及器材的使用提出建议. 

我明白在参加任何运动前进行身体检查和医生批准的重要性, fitness or sports 程序s for my own health and safety, and do hereby assume all responsibility for my decision to do so, and my/our participation in said activities, and utilization of equipment or machinery in my activities.

Medical Coverage:

我承认,联阿联没有为这些自愿活动投保健康或意外保险, 我理解并同意医疗或受伤相关费用的支付是我或我的法定监护人的责任. 通过参与, 我确认我有足够的医疗保险来支付我将要或正在参加的任何活动. 

Emergency Tr吃ment:

我在此同意并允许接受医疗机构和/或大学人员的紧急医疗护理和急救. 在前一句中授予的授权和释放应包括将我安置的权利(由UNA自行决定), 自费, without any further consent if deemed an emergency, 在医院或与紧急医疗提供者一起进行紧急医疗服务和治疗, or if no emergency provider is readily accessible, with a local medical doctor or medical provider for tr吃ment as available, 包括K8彩乐园工作人员提供或实施的任何急救治疗. I agree to assume all 成本 related to such tr吃ment, 包括 transportation 成本. 我进一步授权公布任何必要的医疗信息,以处理我在参加任何活动期间受伤或生病的意外/医疗支付保险索赔. I hereby release UNA, 其代理人, 军官, 受托人, 工作人员, 教练, 和志愿者对他们就上述与活动有关的任何治疗或急救可能采取的任何此类决定或行动不承担任何责任.

Instructions for Use of Equipment:

我也承认我已经或已经有机会接受设备介绍, 我对上述设备或上述项目的任何问题都得到了满意的答复.  此外, I understand that if I have additional questions or any concerns regarding 程序s, activities or use of equipment, 在参加此类项目之前,我有责任咨询休闲体育和健身人员, or prior to utilizing any equipment. 


I agree to indemnify and hold UNA and its Releasees harmless 从 all losses, 负债, 损害赔偿, 由于我(或任何由我提出索赔的人)的任何索赔或诉讼而导致UNA或其被免责者产生的费用或费用(包括但不限于合理的律师费和其他诉讼费用和费用), under or through me) may bring against UNA or its Releasees to recover any losses, 负债, 成本, 在我参加活动期间或因参加活动而产生的损害或费用, 无论是否全部或部分由UNA的疏忽或其他过失造成.

I agree that this document shall be governed for all purposes by Alabama law, without regard to such law on choice of law.  我进一步承认,对大学的任何和所有索赔都取决于阿拉巴马州调整委员会的裁决.  本协议中的任何内容均不得被解释为大学违反或超出其作为阿拉巴马州实体的权力.

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